Monday, October 6, 2014

Introducing solfege "La"

Dear Parents,

We have been working on "sol-mi" solfege pattern, and now adding "la" this week.

The Kodály approach emphasizes the importance of learning how to sing on pitch. Hand signs are a way of giving a physical placement for a vocal pitch. Thus, you have the hand signs going up when the pitch goes up.


Q: Listen to the recording of "Here Comes A Bluebird" provided below, then see if children can solfege the beginning part of the melody. Please let them know that the music starts with the solfege "sol." Make sure to add the Kodály hand sign as they sing on solfege.

Here Comes A Bluebird mp3

A: "sol-sol-la-sol-mi"

Additional approach:

Q: What is the rhythm of the solfege that they sang?

A: "ta-ti-ti-ta-ta"