Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Special

Dear Parents,

We are doing various Halloween activities involving "The Letter" song, Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe game, and a circle song.  They are enjoying these special activities!

As we are continuing to sing "Lucy Locket," they have discovered a new rhythm, "half note" (Ta-A).
Please invite children to sing this song both on words and solfege. Ask them where the half notes occur in the music.

Lucy Locket
Lost her pocket
Kitty Fisher found it
Not a penny was there in it
Only ribbon round it.

The half note occurs on "found it" and "round it".

Activity at home:
Collect Popsicle sticks and have them create their own rhythm pattern using ta, titi or ta-a.

We will soon be exploring rounds and canons at Cantabile!